Friday 31 August 2012

Some Best Apps and the BBC Olympics App from PhoneGap Application Developers at Olympics

Panasonic is now an old name, which is being seldom being discussed as companies like Samsung, and Motorola are certainly heading the list. However, they have come up with one of the best apps that will make you feel a lot happier as it will increase your knowledge related to the Olympics. You might be a good mobile application developer but you need this knowledge if you want to make some apps related to the Olympics. It is an awesome experience without any doubt. We are going to look at each app related to Olympics and that will give you an indication that what you can see on your mobile related to the Olympics. Each of the telecom giants have launched some sort of apps related to the Olympics. Either it is the Motorola or the Samsung; all of them have come up with some sort of apps, which might be IOS or Android apps as well. However, the best one is the BBC Olympics that is by PhoneGap application developers.

You need to look at many aspects and just have a look at the QUIZ TRIVIATHLON, which was being released in august 27, 2012. This was the day when Olympics started and now great number of people has come out to play the game, which is certainly quite awesome. You need to answer a series of questions related to Olympics and that will certainly be an awesome experience for you. You need to answer correctly continuously and if you fail to answer any one then you are going to be out of the competition. This might be an inspiration for many PhoneGap apps developers.
Right now in this Olympics, most of the telecom companies have made separate apps for both IOS and android. However, this is an indication for the PhoneGap apps developers that they are up with the latest technologies and they will be in great demand from next Olympics. However, PhoneGap has shown its presence in this Olympics as well. The most popular BBC Olympics has been made with the help of the PhoneGap. This is certainly exclusive to BBC out here in UK and you can watch all the major highlights as well as the medal moments all at one place. It is a great honor for PhoneGap application developers.
BBC Olympics provides you with the video on demand that is live and you will be getting this service on the 3G and the Wi-Fi. All the top stories are being included and you are up with around 24 live video streams. Each athlete is being casted and you will be getting the action, features as well as the interview related to each of them. You will regularly be getting the detailed schedule as well as the results for each of the event and the complete medal table as well. It is a tribute from the  PhoneGap application developers  and one of the finest PhoneGap apps.

Apple, Google, Samsung: The Fight for Supremacy in Court All over World

We all know that Apple does get some of its work being done by Samsung. Yet both of these companies are fighting like child and both of these companies have to open their sales report in the court. That is just childish, to fight like that. John Quinn is Samsung’s Attorney and Bill Lee is fighting for Apple. This is not just the fight between android application developer and Ipad developers but also something big. You should know that Apple is one of the biggest customers of the Samsung as Samsung provides some of the Apple’s Smartphone and Tablets. Yet this fight is on scene right now. Let me put forward the main issue that is the reason for the fight. Apple has some patent’s copying issues with Samsung. Apple feels that Samsung has copied some of the features of the Apple’s Ipad and Tablets and that is why they have filed the petition in court. They have won in Germany and they are forcing the court to ban the company in the entire Europe. However, Samsung won in Australia and the decisions have been a mix blend across the globe for both companies.
This is not a one-day trial and the two have been fighting for a long period. Both the companies are suing and countersuing in 10 countries and in more than 30 different lawsuits. Samsung Galaxy is certainly awesome but Apple is winning right now with a win in many countries. There was an attempt to satisfy both the companies but the talk has finally failed and the hearing is going to be continued right now. Apple is fighting with not only Samsung and it is fighting with HTC as well as Motorola. With the latest big deal between Google Motorola, we just cannot believe that Google is going to be friendly and there is a certain prediction of fight between Google and Apple. However, Apple does seem to charge many leading companies on behalf of the patent issues.
According to the sources, Google was away from the fight until now but is determined to be fighting against Apple soon. There have been many injunctions against the Galaxy devices. However, there is yet to be any final rulings among the petitions in any of the cases. The Galaxy Nexus is also at risk to be banned in United States and this will be a big defeat not only for the Samsung but also for the Google. It will though be a big win for the Apple.
The fight is for the royalty and Google wants to give the same medicine to Apple as it is giving to Samsung. Google might soon go against Apple to win the royalties of number of technologies from which Apple has benefitted from now. The Business mobile development world is seeing a huge fight.
Remember, Google bought Motorola some days back and with this it is now directly against the Apple. However, the U.S, court has dismissed with prejudice. However, the two companies have yet to reach any settlements until now. Any ways Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablets and the Galaxy Nexus Smart phones certainly are now on stake and their future is to be decided by the court.

Fight on between Ipad Mini and Nexus 7

Apple is soon going to come up with the latest Ipad Mini that is going to fight with the Nexus 7. This is going to be a 7- or 8-inch version of the Ipad and fresh reports confirmed that Ipad is going to get its new color soon. Just a week ago, Google launched a $200 7-inch tablet, the popular Nexus 7 that is just awesome and is now a threat for Nook as well as kindle. Apple has not launched any of its models this year but is all set to come up with the Ipad Mini that is going to be launched in October. This is going to be sold for about $200 just like the Nexus 7 and the Kindle fire. However, by the end the cheapest 7-inch tablet will be Nook certainly. However, there is a twist well before toss. Apple has been able to lower the price, as the new device is not going to have the very popular features of the Retina display in high definition. Bloomberg has aired the report. It will be harder for apple Ipad developer to design new apps for this model.
However, the rumors have not cleared that what other hardware features if any will be dropped from the standard Ipad as an example LTE radio or front and rear facing cameras. It might be that we get lower storage capacity as compared to the 16GB and higher versions of the present Ipad application development format.
Apple has been able to grab the number one market leader position for tablet over the years. However, with Google announcing its release Nexus 7 and Microsoft announcing its Windows 8- based tablets, the Surface later this year has certainly forced Apple to come up with something new. There is a trend of the bargain basement tablets from Apple’s strongest rivals and the heat of the competition has certainly made the Apple think twice with its Ipad 3 developments. Some of the other tablets that have created a spark are the Android-based IdeaPad A1 as well as Barnes & Noble’s Nook tablet. Yet another cause for spark in the competition is the 16GB BlackBerry Playbook.
According to a recent survey conducted by Price Grabber found around 52 percent of the surveyed people ready to buy this Ipad Mini. You need to remember what Late Sir Steve Jobs said about the 7-inch tablets few years back in 2010. He publically criticized the idea of 7-inch Tablet and he added that such small space is certainly not enough to make better tablet apps. That was the opinion of the great giant during 2010.
However, the former co-founder of Apple has been famous for disapproving some products well before Apple came into business and did offered some of the products like iPod, mobile Phones as well as e-Books. The speculation for Ipad Mini has been during 2010 as well as 2011. However, it will be clear by the end of October what we have this time.

Microsoft Taking Motorola To Court And Winning But Was The Decision Right

Motorola finally has failed to save its position in Germany and it is a big setback for the company. It has been really the story that Microsoft did wanted to make this happen and they have succeeded in their plea. Microsoft has notified the court that Motorola was using their FAT in two of their devices without the License and this prompted Microsoft to file a plea against Motorola in court, which they did. You need to know that Motorola is going to be banned now from Germany and the same thing can happen in United States as well soon. Suppose, United States court also go by the verdict of the German court then it will be all over for the Motorola. Well, you must be having the Motorola Cell phone and we all know how good the company is certainly. However, for all Mobile application developers as well, this is going to be a big setback. Either you are the PhoneGap application developer or an android developer; it is going to be a big setback as Motorola is one of the leading telecom company.
In reality, this is a win for Microsoft. However, you should know that even Microsoft is being using some of the Motorola assets in their product and hence it certainly looks like being a cheating from the Microsoft. They could have easily balanced the usage of the Motorola for what they are using in some of their devices. However, that certainly not happened. Microsoft is against Motorola and it is looking quite certain that Motorola is going to lose its position in America.
However, Motorola is certainly a leading company and it is certainly not that easy to just close it. Even if you are a Microsoft employee, you are daydreaming if you feel that it is easy to shut down Motorola. It is hard to think right now that Microsoft can beat Motorola in the field of telecommunication. Let us have some fact for this. In 2011, Motorola shipped around 4.4 million android smart phones and hence it is certainly the best 5 in the world. Microsoft decision is their own. However, they have been using the Motorola’s product as well. They just cannot forget that.
Anyways, the techno world certainly wants this to be solved immediately. Both of them are well known companies and have been doing a pioneering role in the field of mobile communication. Microsoft is certainly doing a great job. However, it certainly does seem that Microsoft should not be that rude towards the Motorola. It is certainly not that clear until now the reasons why Microsoft has gone against Motorola but the war is certainly on now. Each application developers have an eye on this event right now.
Motorola is certainly losing its shine and it does seem that it will be banned in America. However, it does seem that they will stop using the FAT and that is certainly on cards. However, both the companies are the Native Americans and it is not wise from the Microsoft as well to just taken their own fellow citizens to the court and that too in the foreign country. It will be great if the two leaders of America shed their enmity and if not join hands, just contribute with some good people like the PhoneGap application developers that are doing great job.

Basic Smart Phone Technology and Difference between Iphone, Ipad and Tablet

Well, you might get involved in number of jobs. However, you should know that each of the task in the development related to each of the devices shows new colors. We talk about Ipad development, Iphone development as well as it is quite evident that tablets have changed the dimensions of all these development techniques. The two mobile operating systems are IOS and android. Android are six components based operating systems that is open sources and IOS is a single task operating systems. Right now you are going to learn a lot about these development platforms. However, the emphasis will be on features that are certainly not being found in any other development environment. As far as the Iphone are concerned they run on the IOS and are like Ipad which also runs on the IOS. You will be learning the basic smart phone technology out here.
Right now you need to understand that Ipad and Iphone are one kind of devices and the Tablet is yet another kind of device. You also need to understand that different devices lead to different kind of technology and you will certainly find that Ipad and Iphone might be using different technology but the techniques being used are certainly quite different. You also need to have a look at the screen size. In case of the Iphone you are going to see that the screen size is quite less. However, soon you are also going to find that these environments are much different than the web development on desktop. However many things are quite similar as well.
You need to know that Iphone was developed before Ipad and hence the Iphone development is the oldest.  Similarly the Ipad development is not that old as the Android. However undoubtedly android is the latest technology but this technology was being developed from before. In reality the Ipad development is older than the Android development. However, you need to look at many more aspect as well. It is important for you to understand that tablet is much different.
Have you seen the kindle? Kindle was being developed by Amazon to make sure that a good fight is being given to the apple’s Ipad. Amazon was successful as well. However, it turned out to be an EBook reader and today number of eBooks is being sold on the Kindle. You need to look at many aspects. Kindle is a good challenge to Ipad. However, now you need to know that the best device award has been given to the Android smart phones in the form of android tablets.  It’s great to learn all these Basic Smart Phone Technology.
The only big thing that is coming across the mind right now is the multitasking and the security. You need to know that multitasking is being provided the best way in the android environment and you are certainly going to see that IOS is not a multitasking environment and you will find it hard to suit the real world. The next thing is the application. You need to know that in case of IOS the maximum number of application that can run at one time is one and in case of android it is 5. You need to learn a lot and all the Basic Smart Phone Technology.

Telenor Pakistan Faces Challenges in Retaining its Employees

Telenor Pakistan – the number 2 cellular operator in Pakistan has started to lose control over its human resource (HR) as the year 2012, so far, has witnessed most of its seasoned employees leaving the company over clashes with senior management.
During past few months, 6 of its employees from the marketing and commercial division including Ahmed Bilal, Shariq Mustafa, Ahmed Mustafa and Muhammad Usman have left the company and joined ZONG. Few of these personnel were the integral part of teams that were taking care of Telenor’s famous brands such as Easy Paisa, Khamoshi Ka Boycott and djuice.
Sources at Telenor reveal that change in policies by senior management has caused the differences to surface between senior and middle management. Unlike past, the employee evaluation process has become biased which has almost frozen the promotional process at Telenor Pakistan.
In the start of August, Naushad Javaid, Director HR had also resigned from the company along with his other team members. Naushad was working with Telenor Pakistan since 2006 and was considered to be one of most valuable assets to the company especially for shaping up the HR system.
Sources at Telenor confirmed that in the coming days many other employees are expected to leave the company just because certain VPs are watching their vested interests.
Since the departure of Tore Johnson, Telenor Pakistan hasn’t witnessed a smooth sail. Once considered to be very friendly and supportive for its employees, business partners and vendors, it is rather turning out to be just another company where employee retention is no more a concern.
Being at number 2 position in terms of subscriber base, this inconsistent HR policy and lack of interest may not disturb higher management at Telenor Pakistan or Global but soon picture may change. It is to be noted that Telenor is among the pioneers in Mobile Banking in Pakistan whereas Youth brand has been the backbone for its Khamoshi Ka Boycott and youth related campaigns. Losing people from those important desks in a consistent way may turn out to be expensive for them in future.

Competition Commission of Pakistan Terms Implementation of ICH Illegal, Asks MoIT to Withdraw Directive on ICH

Despite a ruling from Competition Commission of Pakistan earlier this year, which had said that LDI operators could withdraw themselves from International Clearing House agreement, directive issued by Ministry of IT and Telecom’s on August 13th, 2012 for implantation of ICH has been challenged by CCP again. Competition Commission of Pakistan has reportedly issued a Policy Note to the Ministry of Information Technology (MOIT) and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) recommending the withdrawal of the Directive dated 13 August 2012 issued by the MOIT proposing establishment of international clearing house exchange for international incoming calls for long distance international, fixed-line local loops, wireless local loops and mobile operators (Proposed ICH Arrangement).
CCP in its policy note said that implementation of ICH is anti-competitive in nature as LDI operators would be allocated quota for incoming international calls and revenues based on their current market share, leaving them with no chance to increase sales and revenues.
CCP noted that PTCL will be in holding position to negotiate termination rates with foreign operators, creating a monopoly for local industry.
Thus, the implementation of ICH is considered illegal being the most pernicious anticompetitive conducts.
Following is the excerpt from CCP Statement on Policy Note regarding implementation of ICH:
CCP, in its policy note, said that while it may be within the domain of MOIT to issue policy directives on establishment of ICH, but such directives need to be appreciated that any such policy decision/directive/circulars are in fact subject to the substantive provisions of the statute in force.
Regarding the amicable settlement aspect, CCP noted that the pre-ICH outstanding liabilities on account of regulatory and GoP dues will continue to be individual responsibility of each LDI operator i.e. ‘to be discharged as final settlement through legal process’.
Therefore, CCP has observed that it is thus not clear how the matter stands resolved when the settlement is subject to judicial review i.e. ‘final settlement through legal process’ which in any event, the parties are bound to follow.
With respect to the curtailment and elimination the grey traffic, CCP in its policy note that under the Proposed ICH Arrangement the termination rate for Pakistan is expected to go up to 8.8 cents from currently lower rates. This may provide further incentive for Grey market players to increase their traffic. Also, in future if an arbitrage opportunity exists the players operating in the Grey traffic will likely exploit that, thus ICH move is unlikely to curb the Grey traffic and may kindle its further growth.
CCP said that proposed ICH Arrangement will restrict the competition among the LDI Operators each operator will have a guaranteed quota of incoming international traffic as per their existing market share.
As for the aspect regarding regulatory regime for the telecom operators, CCP in its Policy Note observed that all relevant laws and applicable rules and regulations which includes the Competition Act must be taken into account. The CCP reiterated that it had already passed an order dated 8 February, 2012 in which the CCP made it abundantly clear that the subject matter has serious competition concerns.
The CCP further noted in its Policy directive that the Proposed ICH Arrangement directly violates Section 4 of the Act, and particularly, clause (a) & (b) of subsection 2 of Section 4 which prohibits price fixing and division of market via quotas.
Under the Proposed ICH Arrangement the consortium will designate PTCL to undertake negotiations on termination rates with foreign operators, and LDI operators also signing up to a percentage quota, will be guaranteed from the revenue PTCL collects from the incoming international terminations. Thus the consortium as such will fix price for termination rates and also via percentage quota allocated, share in the proceeds from the terminations from foreign operators, a clear violation of the Act.
It has also been observed that in this environment there is no incentive for a LDI Operators to improve sales, or enhance quality of service (QoS) or for that matter to invest in Network. With fixed quotas there will also be less incentive for LDI’s to bring in additional voice traffic from overseas operators as any upside will be shared as per quota.
It has also been observed by CCP that in terms of Para 3(d) of the Directive, the representatives of PTA and MOIT on Board as observers of Proposed ICH Arrangement, in itself curtails the free market commercial decision making of the LDI Operators and perhaps undermines the regulatory powers of PTA.
The CCP also noted in its Policy Note that a substantial advantage will be available to the existing LDI operators due to the Proposed ICH Arrangement. The incumbent LDI operators will be in a position to exploit the said arrangement through a cost advantage over potential new entrants. They may use this advantage to cut prices if and when new players enter the market. Although they will be moving away from short run profit maximization objectives, they will however inflict losses on new undertakings and thus protect their own market position in the long run unless the new entrant also agree to such an arrangement.
Once a potential entrant is successfully barred from a market, existing players are free to revert to their prior anticompetitive conduct. This will eventually have a negative impact on the end consumer, who must now face higher prices (due to monopolistic or oligopolistic pricing structures and inefficient and obsolete technology), lower quality products (the effect of less research and development) and ultimately fewer alternatives.
It has also been observed that although it has been stated in the Para 3(bi) of the Directive that the appointment of an independent undertaking to monitor the said arrangement and submit MIS reports on a daily basis to PTA or MOIT to prevent “collusive behavior” and to ensure transparency; however, under the given arrangement it seems more likely that such arrangement results in monitoring the consortium members to prevent any deviation from allocated quotas, which in itself is anti-competitive under the Proposed ICH Arrangement.
CCP in its Policy Note concludes that such practices i.e. price fixation and quota allocation are considered illegal being the most pernicious anticompetitive conducts.
Competition regime is all about applying competition policy & principles of law to make undertakings compete vigorously with each other. This fair business rivalry ensured through the competition rules brings efficiency, increased productivity, creates a wider choice for consumers and helps reduce prices and improve quality.

Omar Manzur Moved Back to PR Department of Mobilink

Omar Manzur, the director at a recently formed HR Department of Mobilink, is moved back to his old job to again head the public relation department of the company, the one he formed from scratch eight years ago, we have confirmed this officially.
In the view of recent ups and downs in telecom industry (concerning issues such as tax evasion, attachment of bank accounts, blockade of cellular services on Eid and possible ban on prepaid SIMs), it is told that Omar Manzur, along with heading PR and CSR department as Director, will be given additional roles to manage.
Omar Manzur is reportedly asked by top management to put a special focus on image building of company during these tough times, and the work has apparently already begun with the launch of “I am a Mobilinker” video – an employer branding initiative for web audience that speaks of Mobilinkers and their everyday life at the company.
Omar is likely to add more team members in PR department, one of which is being finalized as I am writing this post.
Omar had decided to move to HR department (in the same company) in March this year after serving as PR professional for eight years. During this time Hussain Ali Talib headed the department.
It won’t be out of place to mention that PR department reported to Jehanzeb Taj when Omar had moved to HR department. However, due to a managerial reshuffle at Mobilink in July this year, PR department is now back again under Bilal Munir Sheikh, the CCO at Mobilink.