Monday 3 September 2012

Reduction in Price by B&N, though Google Nexus 7 Seems best

Barnes & Noble are a threat for Amazon’s Kindle. It has been noted that Nook performed better than Kindle, as there were so many features like best WI-FI tablet and so on that makes the Nook, best in the market. However, with time, Kindle has been able to beat the Nook as best E-Book reader and Google Nexus 7 has been able to beat the both. Until now, it has been the battle between B&N, Amazon and Apple. However, now the Google is also joining the race. Amazon has been complaining from day one of the launch of the Nook tablets that B&N is charging $50 more than the Amazon Kindle. However, now finally Nook manufacturers have understood and they have reduced the price of the Nook tablet by $50. Now you can have your Nook tablet at $179 for the 8GB variety and for 16GB model, it is not costing $199 only. The price of the Nook color has also been reduced and it does cost now $149. It does appear as well that B&N might come with new model by the end of this year. However, it is now sure that the Nook is going to cost you less than Amazon Kindle and Google Nexus 7. However, still Google Nexus seems to be at the top. It’s a challenge for Nook App Developers.
We are right now in summer 2012 and it does appear that Google Nexus 7 is the best 7-inch Tablet that you can buy right now. You need to pay same $199 as the Kindle and Nook. Yet you get some of the best features like Bluetooth, Camera, GPS and better graphics. You are also being provided with the full Android Google Play app store.
You should know that Amazon and B&N provide the curate versions of this app store with much less number of apps. You will also see the Nexus7 to provide you an access to all e-Books through various apps from Amazon and B&N. this is something awesome and great news for business mobile development.
The weight of Google Nexus 7 is just 12 ounce and this is much less as compared to the weight of Nook Tablet and the weight of Kindle Fire, which are respectably 14.1 ounce and 14.6 ounce. The Nook color weighs around 15.8 ounce that is certainly quite close to one pound. We are approaching the fall and hence the Christmas buying season is certainly on cards with all mobile application developers working hard to come up with new. It is quite certainly that both the Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble might come up with the new products and the launch of a smaller Ipad is on cards. Hence, it is wise to wait until then before buying any new model.
If you do feel that you cannot wait then you might have to regret if you find an updated version of the model you just purchased in just a few weeks time. However, there are some recommendations of the 7-inch LCD tablet that you can buy. Let us name one that is now even cheaper. It is Barnes & Noble Simple Touch with Glow light, which is the latest version of the Nook Simple Touch and this is the only e-ink model that will give you the self-illumination. It is a touch screen e-reader as well as you will find it to be ad-free as well as compared to Amazon Kindle.

Should Cloud Computing be Included in PhoneGap

Developers Committed to the Cloud computing experienced are quite confident that PhoneGap should be implemented on the cloud as well. Either you are a PhoneGap application developer from New York or from Alaska; you need to make sure that the technology is being implemented in the cloud as well. We just cannot forget that cloud is an emerging technology and the whole virtualization works around it certainly. It is the VMware cloud, Apple’s iCloud or the Amazon’s cloud platform. Even the Windows’ Azure does seems to be an incredible approach towards cloud by Microsoft. Sadly, in case of the PhoneGap the technocrats has been taking it as an advantage, that cloud is being not use in case of the PhoneGap. However, is that an advantage? We are going to look at each side of the coin right now.

We need to look at the plus point of the cloud computing at first. Apple’s iCloud as well as the Amazon’s cloud platform have been a success. In comparison to this the Apple’s iCloud as well as the Amazon’s cloud has been much bigger success. Microsoft has taken the Azure, Windows as well as the office to the mobile space. Let us have a look at some of the stats. During the Q2 2012 Appcelerator/IDC Mobile developer report, IOS was the leader with 16% margin over the android app developers.

Most of the developers do think now that the IOS will certainly win. Android does arrest the developer interest. Undoubtedly, the commitment of the mobile developer towards the cloud is huge and it rates around 84% in the Q2 2011 definitely. 50.4% of the Mobile application developers have shown keen interest to use the iCloud and for the Amazon as well the story is quite heartening. Around 49.1% of the developers are in favor of using the Amazon Cloud. However, Windows’ Azure is right now not that popular and only 18.6% of the developers want to use the Microsoft‘s Azure.

Some of the most popular services among all the cloud services are the push notifications, authentications as well as the social integration that are just amazing. Right now, mobile application developers have been using the easy services of the clouds and the cloud services in the field of mobility are certainly an infant right now that is certainly quite awesome.

Almost all the PhoneGap developer apps have been made without the use of the cloud and it does confirm that there are some drawbacks of the cloud definitely. You need access to data centers as well as you need internet all the time. There can be private cloud as well and that can be a part of an intranet for a company.

However, Cloud computing is certainly going to be used more and more in the future and we just cannot discard its usage in the future definitely. That is certainly something that makes the technology bright and you gets ample chance through IAAS, PAAS and SAAS, that is just amazing to note down certainly. Undoubtedly, the concept of the cloud will be a boon as well as wonderful gift for all kind of PhoneGap Application Developers and the cloud computing will make them feel a lot happier.

Problem with Business Mobile Development- Cross Platform Development Issues

We all have been quite serious as far as the business mobile development is concerned. The scientists are really trying to ease the effort required to make the mobile application. You will find many Smartphone platforms like Android, Iphone, Nokia, Windows 7 Phone WebOS as well as the Blackberry. However, Samsung’s Bada and the Meego too are certainly on rise as well. Hence, the number of platforms for the mobile application is certainly going on increasing and this is just overwhelming. This is undoubtedly, the first fact that should be kept in mind while we talk about the business mobile development. If you will go in deep then you can remember 2000.

You can remember what happened in the year with the desktop world in 2000. At that time, we had the Windows, Apple’s Mac as well as so many versions of the Linux as well as UNIX. You need to know that it was certainly quite difficult to make single software that would run on all these platforms. We used to solve that problem by making in-house solutions using the frameworks such as the C++ with modules being extracted that were specific to Operating systems (OS). However, the solution was being provided by the Sun Java that certainly came up with the common platforms and JAVA did supported for the first time, the build one and run anywhere strategy that revolutionized the whole desktop world.

Between 2004 and 2008, a different fragmentation was prominent in the Browsers world. Internet explorer, Firefox, Safari as well as Chrome and some others certainly created a fragmentation. This happened, as some of them never followed the specifications of the WWW. Now all of our web browsers have been working hard to be more platform friendly and support cross platform application. It does seem that the problem has been solved in case of Desktops.

However, now there is a fragmentation in the mobile application development. This is certainly more serious as you will not find any of the specification as well as the standards in this kind of development. You will have to look at the 2007 when both Apple and the Google launched each of their mobile platforms. I do remember 2004 during my B.Tech. how much restricted we were when we used to work with the WAP and well even emulators were hard to find. However, 2007 was the turnaround when both of these opened their mobile app stores. I have been lucky seeing the latest development in mobile application platforms and finally we are now up with the PhoneGap. You can ask the PhoneGap app developers and they will tell you how comfortable they are and I can compare them with the comfort, which I got during 2004 when even a simple mobile application looked like a daunting task to climb.

Even in 2007, we had so many platforms and we need to develop fresh apps for each platform. However, now with the increase in the frequency of SmartPhones you will find that we need the same apps for all platforms including the iPhone, Android, Blackberry, WebOS and the Symbian.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Samsung-Apple War, A Mixed Flavor But Certainly Deadly For Android Application Development

There is a tough battle going on between Apple and Samsung right now in around eight countries. You will find the fight going on in Australia, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Korea, Japan and Netherlands. The fight is intense and most of the decisions are going in favor of Apple. Recently, Samsung lost a fight in one of the American court. However, it won at its home in Seoul. This is unbelievable and there is full right with us to question, how one judge can have different opinion on same case. This is not the first time this has happened and you will find that on many occasions this has happened. This is a threat to the Android market as well as Samsung has been the reason for the growing popularity of Android smart phones. Samsung does quote on Court’s decision in America that, “It is good for Apple but not good for American customers as they will now have lesser number of choice, low innovation and will have to pay higher price”. The CEO of Apple must be over the moon right now. It is really a big win for them. However, Android Application Developers are surprised by this decision.

I have written a lot about the trademark and patent laws and this certainly seems to be the biggest case of all time as far as the patent law is concerned. Samsung will now have to pay around 1.05 billion dollars and this might increase, as Apple is demanding for more than 3 billion right now. Apple does have the plan to get the ban for Samsung in America and that is going to be the subject in next few hearings in American court. The two features like the Zoom Text with finger touch and bounce back features after the end image is certainly being found to be copied by the American court.  Apple right now is demanding for around 2.5 billion dollars. They claim that the total turnover of these copied models has been around 8.1 billion dollars after 2010. Samsung has won in South Korea but still it has to pay some find over there as well. Samsung has to pay around 25 million in South Korea to Apple for the Bouncing back feature. Android Application development is in danger.

However, Apple has been asked to pay around 40 million Korean currencies, which is around $35,400. The court did found that Apple has infringed some of the Samsung wireless technology and hence they have to pay this amount. It does look like that the fight is heading towards the win of Apple but it is going to be a big loss for the Android Market.
If you are in mobile world as well as you are one of the Android Application Developers and working with the Samsung Galaxy SII then you can easily feel that it is a great device. However, the court has ruled the decision in favor of Apple and if everything goes in favor of Apple then in that case you are going to find that Samsung devices might be eliminated from American Market.