Monday 3 September 2012

Problem with Business Mobile Development- Cross Platform Development Issues

We all have been quite serious as far as the business mobile development is concerned. The scientists are really trying to ease the effort required to make the mobile application. You will find many Smartphone platforms like Android, Iphone, Nokia, Windows 7 Phone WebOS as well as the Blackberry. However, Samsung’s Bada and the Meego too are certainly on rise as well. Hence, the number of platforms for the mobile application is certainly going on increasing and this is just overwhelming. This is undoubtedly, the first fact that should be kept in mind while we talk about the business mobile development. If you will go in deep then you can remember 2000.

You can remember what happened in the year with the desktop world in 2000. At that time, we had the Windows, Apple’s Mac as well as so many versions of the Linux as well as UNIX. You need to know that it was certainly quite difficult to make single software that would run on all these platforms. We used to solve that problem by making in-house solutions using the frameworks such as the C++ with modules being extracted that were specific to Operating systems (OS). However, the solution was being provided by the Sun Java that certainly came up with the common platforms and JAVA did supported for the first time, the build one and run anywhere strategy that revolutionized the whole desktop world.

Between 2004 and 2008, a different fragmentation was prominent in the Browsers world. Internet explorer, Firefox, Safari as well as Chrome and some others certainly created a fragmentation. This happened, as some of them never followed the specifications of the WWW. Now all of our web browsers have been working hard to be more platform friendly and support cross platform application. It does seem that the problem has been solved in case of Desktops.

However, now there is a fragmentation in the mobile application development. This is certainly more serious as you will not find any of the specification as well as the standards in this kind of development. You will have to look at the 2007 when both Apple and the Google launched each of their mobile platforms. I do remember 2004 during my B.Tech. how much restricted we were when we used to work with the WAP and well even emulators were hard to find. However, 2007 was the turnaround when both of these opened their mobile app stores. I have been lucky seeing the latest development in mobile application platforms and finally we are now up with the PhoneGap. You can ask the PhoneGap app developers and they will tell you how comfortable they are and I can compare them with the comfort, which I got during 2004 when even a simple mobile application looked like a daunting task to climb.

Even in 2007, we had so many platforms and we need to develop fresh apps for each platform. However, now with the increase in the frequency of SmartPhones you will find that we need the same apps for all platforms including the iPhone, Android, Blackberry, WebOS and the Symbian.

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